
Join Columbia Access Television

Fill out a membership form in person or online form below. CAT membership is available to anyone who lives or works in Boone County, Missouri. Annual membership includes: equipment/facilities checkout (training required), one training class (studio camera), access to CAT services (additional costs may apply), program submissions (up to 6 hours/week of content), access to CAT's network of volunteers, CAT email updates, news, opportunities, and support of CAT's mission.

What you can get from a CAT membership

-Equipment/Facilities checkout (training required)

-One training class - Field Camera and Light Kit Class

-Access to CAT services (additional costs may apply)

-Program submissions (up to 6 hours/week of content)

-Access to CAT's network of volunteers

-CAT email updates, news, opportunities

-Support of CAT's mission

Online Membership Form

Frequently Asked Questions

I am a beginner with no training and no experience. Can I join CAT?

Yes, beginners are absolutely welcome. At CAT we have all the tools you will need to go from viewer to producer. Start with a training class.

This sounds too good to be true. What’s the catch?

CAT equipment/facilities must be used for the sole purpose and/or intent of producing programming for CAT. Any video made with CAT equipment/facilities must air on CAT before it is distributed anywhere else. However, all program rights belong to the programʼs Producer/Provider.

I am a Stephens College student / faculty member. Do I have to pay for CAT services?

CAT has a special relationship with Stephens College - our facilities are located on your campus. Stephens students/faculty/staff do not have to pay for CAT membership - simply fill out a membership form. Before using CAT equipment/facilities, you must either take CAT training classes (costs may apply) or “test out” of training. To test out, you must demonstrate that you can use our gear safely and properly. Contact us to make an appointment.

Do I have to be a CAT member to take a training class?

Yes, training classes are only available to CAT members.

This looks too expensive for my budget. Am I out of luck?

We recommend finding one or more underwriters. An underwriter is an individual or business that supports your CAT program - with cash, food, costumes, etc. In exchange you can give them screen credit. Recognition is limited to the logo, name, website address, street address, and phone number of the individual or business. Commercial products or services may not be represented. Underwriting credits are limited to no more than 30 seconds for a 1/2 hour program, 60 seconds for an hour-long program.

Contact: 573.442.4447 | CAT Community Media Center: 23 North 10th Street, Columbia, MO | Copyright © 2002-2010 Columbia Access Television Inc. All rights reserved.