
Please support CAT and Community Media

Columbia Access Television is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization with a mission of empowering our community members and local nonprofits

Please consider a tax-deductible donation in support of CAT and community media. Your donation will allow CAT to continue to provide community members with the education, tools, training and support necessary for them to share their diverse voices with Columbia, and beyond. Simply click on the orange DONATE button below to be directed to CAT's PayPal donation page. THANK YOU!

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I would like to donate by check

  • Make it out to "Columbia Access Television" and mail to the following address:
    • Columbia Access Television
    • Attn: Jennifer Erickson, CAT Director
    • 1200 E. Broadway, Campus Box 2113
    • Columbia, MO 65215
  • What to expect

    Your name included on CAT’s website

    Your name featured on our DONOR WALL at the downtown CAT location

    Your name featured on a THANK YOU slide on CAT’s Community Carousel slideshow (appears on the channel, CAT-TV, and on the CAT website)

    Invitations to create your own, personalized HOLIDAY VIDEO CARDS for Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day and the December holiday season (Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa cards, etc.)

    One full table (10 seats) to CAT’s annual P.S.Yay! Celebration and Awards Ceremony and complimentary tickets to the 24-Hour Film Competition screenings (ten total)

    Recognition as an ‘Studio Head’ Sponsor at CAT’s Annual P.S.Yay! Celebration and Awards Ceremony

    You choose your favorite CAT show and will be acknowledged as an underwriter of that show.

    Highlighted story of ‘why you support CAT’ in the organization’s end-of-year report and in blog features on the CAT website

    Who else is supporting CAT

    Individual Donors

    CAT Supporters($10-$49)

    Ray Almeida, Shannan Baker, Jeff Boot Barrow, Lilian Beattie, Steve Calloway, Josh Chittum on behalf of 'Couch Safari' (CAT-TV show), Michele Cordray, Nick Foster, Pat Fowler, Sam Johnston, Carolyn S. Magnuson, Brad Mitchell, Paul Mossine, Cole D. Pruitt, Matt Schacht, Roberta Tabanelli, Anonymous (56)

    “Friends of CAT” ($50 to $149)

    Barb Beattie, Jennifer Erickson, Marvin R. and Lisa R. Fourroux, Chad and Jaime Freidrichs, Kate Gray, Justin Gregory, Pat Holt, Richard and Patty King, The LaFarge Family, Mark Lehman, Josh Nunez, Dr. Rob Rasmussen, William Riley-Land, Brandon Schatsiek on behalf of Special Olympics Missouri, Jon Wolf, Anonymous (17)

    Show Talent ($150 to $299)

  • Tim Burgess
  • Sutu Forte on behalf of 'It's Our Wild Nature' Community Association
  • Marie Hunter
  • Kelley Lucero
  • Ann and David Mehr
  • Faith Schott
  • David B. Shipper
  • Scott Wilson
  • Anonymous (1)
  • Producers ($300 to $599)

  • Luke Abshier
  • Amy Bruer and Lenny Rahaman
  • Arin Liberman and David Wilson
  • Shelly Silvey
  • Louis Wilson
  • Anonymous (1)
  • Directors ($600 to $1,199)

  • Michael McMillen
  • Executive Producers ($1,200 to $4,999)

  • Names to come!
  • Studio Heads ($5,000 and up)

  • Names to come!
  • In-Kind Support

  • The Bridge
  • Kaldi's Coffee
  • Maude Vintage
  • Pond 5
  • Rose Music Hall
  • Top Ten Wines
  • Tiny Attic Productions
  • Aardvarx
  • Access Percussion
  • BlueHouse Studio
  • Calhoun's
  • Centro Cellar Studio
  • Craft Beer Cellar
  • Lily Dawson Designs
  • The District
  • Ebb And Flow Masssage
  • Glenn's Cafe
  • Gotcha
  • Makes Scents
  • Music Go Round
  • North Village Recording
  • Pizza Tree
  • Ragtag Cinema
  • Shotgun Pete's BBQ Shack
  • Slackers
  • Talking Horse Productions
  • The Tiger Hotel
  • Vinyl Renaissance
  • We Always Swing Jazz Series
  • Contact: 573.442.4447 | CAT Community Media Center: 23 North 10th Street, Columbia, MO | Copyright © 2002-2010 Columbia Access Television Inc. All rights reserved.